Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reflections by Lisa

 #1 Little Jett  50mm f/1.4 lens  f/2.8  Shutter Speed 1/640  ISO 1000
For the first two photos we were sitting inside IceBurg's drive in.  Florescent lighting, so I chose the appropriate white balance.  I did tone down the saturation for red only on the photo.  We were sitting at a red table and it tinted everything red on the photo. 
#2 Little Jett Hand  50mm f/1.4 lens   Shutter Speed 1/500  ISO 1000

For the next  four photos I set up a mirror on a table with a dark cloth for the background.  Then I picked a few things from around the house to photograph. 

 #3 Christmas ornaments  50mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/1.4  Shutter Speed  1/250  ISO 1000

#4  Jesse's Butterfly  50mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/1.4 Shutter Speed 1/250 ISO 1000

#5 Yellow Flowers  50 mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/1.4  Shutter Speed 1/640  ISO 1000

 #6 Lisa's Piggy Bank  50mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/1.4  Shutter Speed 1/500  ISO 1000

 #7 Sunglasses  50mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/1.4  Shutter Speed 1/1600  ISO 160

 These next few are from the past....but as you can see they are intentional reflection shots.
 #8 Enns Family  50mm f/1.4 lens  Aperture f/2.8  Shutter Speed 1/1600  ISO 160
(Edits on photo: cropped and vignette added)

 #9 Culvert reflection (took these next few while doing the silhouette assignment)
Aperture f/10    Shutter Speed 1/250   ISO 640   Focal Length 44mm

 #10  Jesse's Hunt  Aperture f/10  Shutter Speed 1/800  ISO 640  Focal Length 135mm

#11  Inside Culvert  Aperture f/10 Shutter Speed 1/40  ISO 640  Focal Length 18mm


  1. These are so good! LOVE the first two.. so sweet.

  2. It's #8 all the way! it's super fun! the composition is nice the exposure is perfect. I dunno about the mirror pictures 3 to 6. I don't know about the black. I would like to see a more interesting background the photo's seem a little stark. 1 & 2 are good I think is cool that you can see threw the reflection.

    In #11 the end of the culvert is overexposed if I must be critical.

    Over all good work

  3. Thanks for sharing your tip about fluorescent lighting and white balance. Did you do the saturation change in camera or after? I need to learn more about stuff like that. 1&2 are great photos especially since you had yucky lighting to work with. I like the expression on Jett's face & that you've left room for us to imagine what he's looking at.

    I think photos 3-6 are beautiful product photography. They may be less interesting but they showcase the item and the lighting is perfect. I'd like to hire you to do jake + cleo product shots please :D

    I'm not sure how you would expose the end of the culvert properly without compromising the rest of the shot. I like it the way it's the light at the end of the tunnel. The placement of the end of the tunnel is bang on too.


  4. Thanks guys. I was struggling with 'getting out there' looking for reflection shots so I resorted to doing the mirror shots. It was fun to do. I chose a black background just so the subject would be the focal point. Jason, the culvert is overexposed at the end but I was wanting to shoot the inside of the culvert. If I would have read the light at the end of the tunnel...well, then it woulda just been black. :)

    Funny you wonder what Jett was looking at. There was this old, sorta grungy looking guy sitting on a table just outside the window with a huge santa beard. Jett was fascinated! It was so cute. :D

  5. Oh, and to answer your question Corina, I changed the saturation afterwards. I guess that's something you could do on the camera. But I didn't really notice the red tinge until it was on the computer.

  6. Sorry, I'm deliquent in commenting.

    I think #1 is far and away your best of this bunch. Jett's expression is priceless - it really does make you wonder what he's looking at. He's so engrossed and he looks completely fascinated by what he's seeing. Nice composition for sure, and the blurred background is great. Really helps draw the eye to Jett's eye.

    #3 I'm not sure where the "in focus" point is. I find it hard to look at, because I don't know where to focus my eyes.

    #4 is pretty cool - can't even tell it's a reflection at first (and even second) glance.

    #7 probably would have been better your boys were in focus rather than the rim of the glasses. My eyes are drawn to the rim, rather than the boys.

    I'm actually not a big fan of #8. I mean as far as reflection shots go, it is pretty fun as Jay says, but as a group picture, it's not really something I can see printing and giving to people. Can't really make out their faces because of the distortion created by the curved surface.

    Of the culvert shots, #10 is my fave. Pictures are always better with people in them. And the splash of red helps make it interesting too.

    Good work Lise!
