Saturday, August 18, 2012

Silhouettes by Jason

it begins...

Koh Chang Thailand, f5.0 Shutter 1/100, ISO 200, Focal length 24mm.

Bamboo Island, Cambodia. f5.8 Shutter 1/160, ISO 250, Focal length 21.6mm.

I to felt the need to include a couple of travel pics. As it happens I seem to have been taking more sunset pictures in South-East Asia.

 Precious Blood Church. f16.0 Shutter 1/200, ISO 800, Focal length 18mm.

Precious Blood Church. f16.0 Shutter 1/800, ISO 800, Focal length 18mm.

Loch Gallery, Winnipeg. f16.0 Shutter 1/800, ISO 800, Focal length 22mm.

St. Vital Park, Winnipeg. f16.0 Shutter 1/1600, ISO 800, Focal length 24mm.

St. Vital Park, Winnipeg. f16.0 Shutter 1/1600, ISO 800, Focal length 28mm.

St. Vital Park, Winnipeg. f16.0 Shutter 1/250, ISO 800, Focal length 40mm.

Bishop Grandon Blvd. f16.0 Shutter 1/1000, ISO 800, Focal length 28mm. 



  1. I like the last photo. You waited until the sun set and the colours in the sky are gorgeous.

  2. Jason, sorry it took me so long to comment! Not cool. I've been away at the cabin and fell a little behind! :P

    The second travel photo is my favorite of the bunch. Beautiful sky, love the water. I would've placed the boat a bit more to the right, but with the sun where it was maybe that wasn't possible?

    The first shot of Precious Blood Church caught my eye. The little pop of texture and color in the top right hand corner is nice.

    Other than the travel photo my favorite is the picture of the water at St. Vital park. It's a beautiful and peaceful photo. I love the the way the silhouette of the trees on the horizon sort of frame the sunset.

    The last shot is also a great one. The distinctive shape of the power line is great. Your composition is good. The sky is beautiful!

  3. I actually thought the same thing for the travel photo so I looked at our travel photos to see if there was another shot of the same subject. I've uploaded one that I like better to my picasa account for you to check out: (I cropped it slightly).

  4. Yeah, I was also going to say that I would have placed the horizon higher in the picture (i.e. shown more water), and that's what you have in the picasa link above.

    In the first picture I like the similarity between the leaves and the rocks. Very cool pic. Just too bad that the sunset itself wasn't more dramatic.

    The first of the Precious Blood Church pics is definitely my favourite of the three architectural silhouettes. The other two are interesting, no doubt, but I agree that the bit of colour and texture in the top right makes the first the best of that bunch.

    I think the St. Vital park shot trumps even the travel shots. Absolutely stunning photo. Good contrast. Only suggestion for this one is that I might have tried a shot showing a bit less water and more sky (basically, to get the amount of sky above the cloud line about equal to the amount of water below the horizon). That way, vertically, you'd have thirds: 1/3 water, 1/3 sun/cloud, and 1/3 blue sky above the cloud. Horizontally, it's basically symetrical - which is why the wood sticking out at a bit of an angle is visually interesting. It wouldn't be as interesting if it was perfectly vertical.

    The last one made me laugh because I took a similar shot of a transmission line tower along Bishop Grandin. I was out biking and only had my cell phone with me though - so I didn't include it. Yours is nicer anyway - better sunset (mine had no clouds) and my foreground is a bridge (boring straight lines) while yours is of trees and bushes. Almost identical composition otherwise though - in terms of placement of the tower in the photo.

    Overall, nice work Jason.

  5. I agree with corina i like the boat pic she posted on better. I may have intended to have downloaded this photo instead.
